The Paranormal Psychology Processing Theory For Management and Employee Training: By Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD)–International Library of Paranormal Psychology

Picture 555Trainees or employees  have on the job situations that the most likely responses are “Beneficial Behaviors”. Within these situations, behaviors are judged for functioning and appropriateness in the context of employment, training needs, hiring, promotions, and termination of employment.

Beneficial Behaviors:

  • Define what behaviors the Trainee or employee is actually doing.
  • Define what management and other staff see as”Beneficial Behaviors”.
  • Not all beneficial behaviors look “Beneficial” to others. What is the benefit to the Trainee or employee, management, & the organization.

The Technique of Paranormal Psychology Processing Theory for Management and Employee Training:

  1. Asking a question, then allowing the Trainee or employee to talk through to a solution that includes policy and procedures.
  2. The question is asked in a way that allows the Trainee or employee to verbally list the consequences good, bad, or neutral. (Consequences are literally the result of a behavior, could be good, bad, or neutral-Positive or negative. Generally the word consequence is connoted as negative results).
  3. Allowing the  Trainee or employee to verbally list how someone else’s behavior influences their decision making and “Beneficial Behaviors”.
  4. Allowing the Trainee or employee to think through what their behavior is doing-the impact of their behavior.
  5. Interjecting-conversation with the Trainees or employees that allows a list of as many consequences as possible.
  6. Allowing the Trainee or employee to develop moral and ethical evaluation and judgment skills, to increase the acceptability of  the Trainees “Beneficial Behaviors”.
  7. Allowing the Trainee or employee to investigate if their behaviors are beneficial and how.

The Function of the Paranormal Psychology Processing Theory for Management and Employee Training:

For the Trainee or employee to have “Beneficial Behaviors” that are acceptable to society, school setting, or if management training-the organization. 

The Purpose of the Paranormal Psychology Processing Theory for Management and Employee Training:

For the Trainee or employee to figure out the “Beneficial Behaviors” that cause the highest levels of functioning themselves, so that they reinforce themselves. Punishment only suppresses the behavior in front of the punisher.

As a Management or Employee Training Technique Paranormal Psychology Processing Theory’s Goal is:

To get the Trainees or employees to figure out to follow the rules and to reinforce themselves. To assess what are the “Beneficial Behaviors” in getting along and success in the department, field, and/or organization? Are these “Beneficial Behaviors” acceptable? Are the “Beneficial Behaviors” requested acceptable? Are your behaviors beneficial, how?

The Paranormal Psychology Processing Theory for Assessment of Management, Employees, and the Organization:

The lists of “Beneficial Behaviors” tells what the management, authorities, persons in charge, or parents are encouraging. Is what the authorities, persons in charge, or parents encouraging considered acceptable “Beneficial Behaviors”.

The “What About”:

    Some Trainees or employees can not see if behaviors are beneficial or not.

The “What Happened”:

     Explaining the situation and defining the boundaries or parameters of the “Beneficial Behaviors”. Keeping things in context.

Managers and Trainers are also seen as employee consultants or counselors.

Observing to Record Behaviors and for Administration/Management

When documenting, observed behavior is apart of a research, a therapy session,  an intake, or an assessment and what is considered a “baseline behavior” is the most common, consist, or repeated behavior. “Baseline behaviors” are used when assessing an individuals behaviors, they are considered how a person, animal, or other subjects (plants, for example) responses even in different situations. “Baseline behaviors” could also be considered depositional responses.

Baselining is also used in administration and management as a way to assess the strengths of an employee or trainee. An example is if one person writes better than another or another communicates better than another, than these baseline behaviors of the employee would be used to delegate responsibilities that causes success to the department, company, organization, etc.

Posted by at 11:28 AM Saturday, February 12, 2011


Filed under P-S Paranormal Psychological Dictionary (May Not Be In Alphabetical Order), Research: Graduate-Doctorate Level, Research: Graduate-Master's Level

2 responses to “The Paranormal Psychology Processing Theory For Management and Employee Training: By Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD)–International Library of Paranormal Psychology

  1. I say to you againe, doe not call up Any that you can not put downe; by the Which I meane, Any that can in Turne call up somewhat against you, whereby your Powerfullest Devices may not be of use. Ask of the Lesser, lest the Greater shall not wish to Answer, and shall commande more than you. H.P. Lovecraft A letter from Simon Orne, in “The Case of Charles Dexter Ward”

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